Wednesday, November 14, 2007

And Now for Something Completely Different

Pity me, for I am in the eighth level of grant Hell right now. I have one day to finish a grant for a program that is barely a fully fleshed out idea with no budget, no staff, and no evidence of need. So, to soothe my angry, tired brain, I'm taking a short break(down).

I've decided to start photographing all the bits of my commute to work that I find interesting. This is my new favorite lawn ornament:

Every time I pass it I'm reminded of just how rural my tiny state is. This isn't out in the middle of nowhere, this is on a major road about 10 minutes outside of Burlington. And this is next to it:

There's something a bit unsettling about dairy cows grazing in a field full of rusty farm implements and a stream of run-off waste water. Got Vermont Cheese?

1 comment:

Joshua said...

Are the extra letters spray-painted over on the truck because it now belongs to the Immigration and Naturalization Service, or is it a commentary on that organization, or is my brain just going the wrong way with this entirely?

South on 7 is still one of my favorite drives for this sort of thing.