Sunday, August 3, 2008

Housewarming Gifts are Awesome

Thanks to lovely individuals Josh and Ed, I have of late received three really dynamite housewarming/travel gifts that I adore. I submit for your enjoyment (da da DAH) the wonderful world of presents!

Submission #1: The monkey dish

Now, granted, this was a re-gift from Ed, but what a re-gift! It fulfills my love of tacky objects AND monkeys. My home feels warmer all ready. Technically it's an ashtray and I'm allergic to tobacco, so I think I'll use it hold my canadian coins. Why? Why not?

Submission #2: Seeing:

This is a delighfully quirky tome that Josh picked up while helping his friend move from Chicago to NYC last week. It is truly awesome. Essentially Seeing: is a book of photos that make every day objects look like faces. Like this:

See (no pun intented)? Is that not fabulous?

Submission #3: Picasso Kitty Stickers

I think the title pretty much says it all. Josh gets high marks again for this one. It combines my love of bright colors, cats, and asshole spanish painters.

So thank you to all who have wished me well on my new abode and especially to those of you who have sent nifty gifts. I am thrilled to have family and friends who have a solid understanding of my desire for the weird and wonderful.


ajd said...

Um . . . what is monkey #4 (the one on the right) doing?

l.e.h. said...

Let's just say he's "Do No Evil"...

ajd said...

Oh whew. I thought he was actually doing evil, but I didn't examine the picture closely enough.

Anonymous said...

The monkey dish will go oh-so-very-well with monkey wine, which I believe you discovered some time ago...

Anonymous said...

I totally found it:

I think you have an issue with monkeys.

l.e.h. said...

Me? An issue with monkeys? I prefer to think of it as the rest of the world doesn't have enough appreciation for their particular brand of entertainment.

I think I mostly have an appreciation of the see no evil statues. I use them as a reminder of how to get myself into less trouble on a daily basis than I usually do...