Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like January

From the Burlington Free Press this morning:

There is a chance Burlington could reach 20 below Friday morning for the first time since Jan. 15, 2004. Such a reading Friday would tie a record low for the date set in 1920, according to National Weather Service data.

This just in - winter stinks.

In order to alleviate the crushing depression that comes with a 9 month winter season I've started an informal plant exchange with neighbors . My apartment is currently covered in small jars of water with plant cuttings sticking out of them and I'm really looking forward to a host of weird plants coming in from all the green-thumbed folks in my area. Hopefully everything won't freeze beyond salvation in transport... If anything particularly odd and wonderful comes my way I'll make sure to post.

1 comment:

epb said...

Years ago, when I was working at a restaurant in Burlington, we used to have this young man from Kentucky come in for lunch on a regular basis. He was working at the local library' loved to talk about books, and of course was an aspiring writer.One January afternoon when the outside temperature was somewhere around 25 below, I asked him how a native of Kentucky could endure such cold.
"Are you kiddin' me?" he said, "Ah love it! This here is some weatha!!"