Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wild World of Funeral Webcasts

Now I can end up some pretty odd places online on a Sunday afternoon when it's snowing outside (yes, that's right, it's snowing on Easter Sunday in Vermont), but this is one of my odder finds. I give you FuneralOne:

In concept, the recording and web-casting of funerals so that loved ones who couldn't make the trip can feel a part of the process is honorable. That's not the part that weirded me out. Well, at first it was, but then I read an article about a family who had taken part in the process and it sounded downright cathartic. The part that truly gives me the jibblies is the company's website. It looks like it came straight out of a Mac commercial. And the copy? Here's the intro paragraph:

"funeralOne is a personalization, technology, and consulting company for the funeral care profession. funeralOne's core services include strategic funeral home web site design, personal funeral service consulting, and funeral tribute video software. Committed to delivering innovation, funeralOne collaborates with its clients to help them reach their full market potential. With deep industry expertise, broad resources and a proven track record, funeralOne can mobilize the right people, skills, and technologies to help clients reach their customers in new ways"

Delivering innovation? Reach their clients in new ways? How many ways can you reach them? It's a funeral for crying out loud! Thank you, FuneralOne. Thank you for understanding that I just can't be satisfied honoring my deceased loved ones unless I feel that death's middle men have a firm grasp of the information highway. It's great to know that society's pariahs truly understand the magic of synergy.

1 comment:

ajd said...

Not apropos in any way, but I hope you're diligently making the ceramic thingie that you had us vote for in your recent poll. I cheated like hell to ensure that you're making a pig (was it a pig? curse you, lousy memory), and I expect my hard work to be rewarded.