Monday, November 12, 2007

Tibetans: a peaceful people with very angry food

I'm in pain. Serious pain. I, innocently enough, purchased Tibetan Cuisine's steamed vegetable momo from the local food co-op. Sounds harmless, yes? I mean they're Tibetan for crying out loud! Buddhists, the Dalai Lama, passive resistance, yak milk and the rest. But let me tell you friend, there's nothing passive about this food. Potatoes and assorted veggies wrapped in dough and steamed sounded innocuous - even downright tasty. And they were, save for the angry sauce of imminent fiery death that rained down up them. Let's just say that any time one puts enough chili into soy sauce to make it look like marinara, be afraid. Be very afraid. My lips are experiencing something akin to being shoved in hot coals.

If you, dear readers, hear that I have spontaneously combusted, tell my story.


Joshua said...

Oh, I am so in love with these.

My fondness for danger-food is why so few folks will go out for Indian with me.

A glass of soy milk will save you.

l.e.h. said...

Wow, really? That was a new kind of pain for me. The mango spritzer didn't do much to neutralize the isanity, but I'll try the soy milk next time (next time? Of course there will be a next time. The gauntlet has been thrown.)

I will make a note to always order my own dish should we get indian food.

Ooh, that reminds me. You'll have to try Marsala Salsa in Waterbury if you haven't. They have a vindaloo there that makes my friend's husband cry like a little baby.