Monday, December 17, 2007

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Drink No Evil?

And lo, the snows came again:

It began snowing Saturday night and didn't stop until early Monday morning. Normally this would have metaphorically killed me, but luckily I was holed up for the weekend in a lovely apartment in Burlington conveniently located above a coffee shop and a bar (Josh and Selene are lucky I left at all...).

And fortunately for all of us, there was monkey wine. Ahem, excuse me - evil monkey wine. Three liters of evil monkey wine to be exact. Observe:

It's wine in a box, it has monkeys on the cover, and it's called Pinot Evil. It incorporates my love of wine, puns, and cardboard as a vessel for liquid. I mean, come on people. It's evil monkey wine. Let us rejoice.


Joshua said...

"Evil monkey wine" parses in my head as if the monkeys were evil. Now, given the way three litres of wine makes you feel in the morning, perhaps this is true, but I always thought the monkeys themselves weren't evil, merely hiding from it. Perhaps it's one of those "if you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem" things and the monkeys are evil by virtue of attempting to ignore the evil.
Or perhaps I'm simply overthinking.
I admit it took me a bit too long to parse the rhyming pun in "Pinot Evil".

l.e.h. said...

Overthinking. Definitely overthinking, though I like your line of reasoning. I called it "evil monkey wine" because the box has the word "evil" on it, and monkeys, and wine.

And for the record, monkeys are always evil, no matter the pose.

As a word of caution to whoI'm sure are both of my other readers, this acoholic delight is best enjoyed after a bottle of prosecco. Upon imbibing with virgin tastebuds, it was not nearly as pleasing. Josh, I'm sure you can back me up on this one.

But's wine in a box, it has monkeys on the cover, and it's called Pinot Evil.

epb said...

If you remember your Darwin, the linear progression goes like this:

Yankee Fans --> Monkeys --> Clowns --> Homo Sapiens. The species get a little less evil as they advance.

ajd said...

l.e.h.l.i.t.t.l.e., this stuff looks fantastic, and we must try some of this when you next come to the Windy City. We'll make sure to have prosecco first. Too bad they don't make a Poonot Evil.

I just did a google search to see if there's any monkey beer available. It looks like there might be some, but what struck me was how many videos I found of monkeys drinking beer. This usually seems to happen in Australia, from the accents I heard on the movies I watched.

epb said...

Chestnuts roasting on a open fire,
Jack Frost nipping at your nose,
A full pint glass of
Evil Monkey Wine,
And good-bye all my Christmas woes...

l.e.h. said...

I have the best blog readers ever. Thank you for indulging me in a discussion about evil monkey wine. My day is complete.

On the fascinating subject of monkey beer (thank you kindly, ajd), our old friend google has brought forth:

Flying Monkey Beer:

Victory Golden Monkey Beer:

Monkeys Brewing Beer:

There doesn't appear to be an evil monkey beer, however. I know what I'm naming my next batch of ale...

ajd said...

No evil monkey ale, sure. But what about Evil Monk Ale? That will do in a pinch.

l.e.h. said...

One last update - I just received a christmas gift from my coworker and it was (drum roll please) a bottle of Monkey Bay sauvignon blanc. Sure, it's not Evil Monkey Bay wine, but it's close enough and on topic enough to amuse me.