Thursday, December 13, 2007

Tales from the Airport

I'm a collector of oddities, wherever I find them. In keeping with that, I always collect interesting phrases I hear in public - my favorites being ones overheard in airports. As I sat in Reagan National Airport Tuesday night, I couldn't help but archive these gems:

"I have a philosophical aversion to people using cell phones in bathrooms. It's just not done in polite society."


"(speaker 1) Are you going to Ohio?
(speaker 2) Well, no, I'm not.
(speaker 1) Oh, how surprising!
(speaker 2) Really? Why?
(speaker 1) I don't know. You just seem like you're going to Ohio"

People are an endless source of fascination, amusement and disappointment.

1 comment:

epb said...

"People are an endless source of fascination, amusement and disappointment."
In the old sci-fi movies in the 50s, that's what the alien warlord would say before he unleashed his death-ray upon the poor pitiful earthlings.
Hopefully, Caffeinestra, you are more merciful.