I am a devoted reader of craigslist and a quasi-clean freak. Why do I mention this, you ask? Well, today I walked into my office and realized it was a complete disaster and immediately began repairing, cleaning and organizing. I feel much better. And so to wind down from the excitement of my cleaning spree, I surfed craigslist for a few minutes. I thought that I would bring you the best ad titles I found. For your entertainment I present:
1. beautiful shea's lounge chair
2. Need insurance $, selling my PC (wow, that's not the least bit sketchy...)
3. Dirty House??? - $1 (why would I want a dirty house for $1?)
6 NIDDY NODDY SPINNING WEAVING YARN - $50 (turns out this is in fact a yarn spinner, but from that title, I had no idea what the heck it was. I just liked "niddy noddy")
7. dog poop removal service - from ad: "I am attempting to be number 1 in the number 2 business." (lofty goal. Dream big, friend)
8. ELEPHANTS 275++ - $500 (even after reading the ad I'm not entirely sure what' s for sale)
And that concludes my tour of craigslist for the day.
Friday, April 4, 2008
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1 comment:
#7 reminds me of an ad my sister once saw when working for one of the phone book companies. It was a waste removal service, and their slogan was something like, "We'll take your crap!"
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