Monday, November 3, 2008

Why I love our Country

In anticipation of tomorrow's historic election, I thought I'd share this tidbit from today's Burlington Free Press:

"BURLINGTON -- Larkin Forney's been a lot of things in his life -- sex offender, drunken driver, head injury victim, marijuana legalization advocate, prisoner.

This year, he has a new label: candidate for state Senate."

Now, I'm not sure I really need to get into the logistics of him having sex with a 14 year old when he was 26, or his three DUI convictions, or the fact that he lit himself on fire in a suicide attempt. All I can say is that I live in a state where this guy gets to run for state senate after getting 100 signatures on a petition. On one hand it terrifies me since more than one person, I'm sure, has voted for people they didn't know anything about, and on the other hand it reassures me that everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) has access to the government in Vermont.

Small state, big problems. God I hope people do a little research before going to the polls. And you are going to the polls tomorrow right? Right? Good. Do your part. Keep this guy out of office.

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