Friday, February 6, 2009

Weird and Wonderful Moments

Tonight I hosted the grand opening of a program I run that serves free dinner to low income kids twice a week. The VT Foodbank coordinated the guest list so I really had no idea who was coming. I figured just a few folks from local agencies would show up a little after 5 (it was supposed to start at 4:30) and would stay for a second before inconspicuously ducking out. Instead, at 4:30 on the dot a stream of politicians, community activists, Foodbank representatives and shockingly enough, members of my Board of Directors arrived and took over half of the room. I immediately took my exhausted expression off my face and put on my happy happy special event smile and worked the room. The highlights of the evening? 1) officials from both of Vermont's senators' office getting their asses handed to them at ping pong by two 9 years olds and 2) former governor Howard Dean showing up in a track suit. Everyone stayed through dinner, ate with the kids, and had a great time. Over all a success I'd say, and a good warm fuzzy experience of a whole mess of politicians.

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