Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Best Part of Waking Up

The only thing more wrong than drinking day-old cold coffee is drinking it out of a pint glass at 7am.


ajd said...

I remember when I used to work at MIT I would marvel at (and snicker at) the old-school engineers -- replete with short-sleeved dress shirts, Dilbert ties, and black-rimmed glasses -- who would walk in and slam down the cold coffee brewed the previous morning.

Then I started doing the same thing at home a couple of years ago. Half-full French press on a cold morning? Instant fuel. I love the microwave.

Found Beauty Studio said...

Funny, I love instant sweetener that doesn't need the microwave to dissolve.

ajd said...

I am so confused by your retort.

Found Beauty Studio said...

Yeah, it wasn't a retort. It was the continuation to the response in my brain that went "The only reason I use the microwave to warm old coffee is to dissolve sugar. I use splenda because it dissolves in cold coffee so I don't have to use the microwave"

Sorry. Sometimes I skip those jumps in logic when I'm doing too many things at once.

ajd said...

Wait, you drink it cold? Wow.

Joshua said...

Meanwhile, at 10pm I'm starting to get groggy, and realize it's because when I left the house at 6pm to go to work, I forgot to grab some more coffee on the way out the door. Fortunately it doesn't go to waste.