Friday, December 21, 2007

Sad Tales from an Addict

I wanted to subtitle this blog entry "A Trip Through DARE Territory for Kids whose Schools have Cheaped out And Cut Drug Resistance Programming", but it seemed a little lengthy. Besides, my kind of addiction wouldn't have been covered.

My predicament: my car is stuck in my neighbor's driveway. How it became stuck is a long, sorry story about what happens when you take a sub compact car and keep in on unpaved, iced over driveways in back woods Vermont. To keep things short I'll summarize - I slid backwards down the series of lanes I live off of into my neighbor's driveway and there my car sits in deep freeze. I called AAA last night thinking that since I had paid for towing service, they'd tow my car. I was apparently mistaken. The tow guy took one look at the series of lanes, decided if he went down there he was never getting out, and promptly drove away. Poor car. It's so lonely. I have a plan to get it out with a friend's truck tomorrow, but for now, I'm woefully separated from my automotive appendage. I just don't feel whole.

Anyway, that was the back story. The front story is that I had to get a lift into work today which meant I left in a hurried panic and had no time for coffee. That made me sleepy and angry. So I got to work sleepy and angry and cursing the fates since I realized our coffee maker here was busted. Did I let that stop me? Heck NO! I pity the fool who comes between an addict and her drug of choice. Actually, I pity the coffee maker since I spent a half an hour dismantling the coffee maker innards all over the kitchen counter and rebuilt it using a combination of screws and duct tape. Turns out there was a lever that was supposed to engage when the coffee carafe sat on the burner. Since we had replaced the carafe (who knew you weren't supposed to leave glass on a heating element?), the lever was no longer engaging. So I jerry rigged it. The good news - I'm sitting here with a cup of coffee in my hand. The bad news - I have a few left over parts that I'm not sure what to do with. Anyone in the market for a couple of white plastic doohickeys with no obvious purpose?

Alas, my car is still stuck, but I am caffeinated. The end.


epb said...

Caffeinestra, my Dear,your legend just grows and grows.
Let me get this straight.
Your car has been swallowed by the Driveway from Hell and you somehow get to work and then, MacGyver-like, painstakingly build a coffee maker out of a ballpoint pen, a bic lighter, and a fork.
Is that the basic scenario?
Once sufficiently caffeinated, is there nothing on earth that can thwart you?

Anonymous said...

A little late in commenting, I realize, but I needed to chime in here. YOU, my dear, are the only person I know personally who has a purpose for white plastic doohickeys. I'm sure you have already incorporated them into a new project of some sort. Perhaps if you left them out in the snow over the winter, they'll become part of the so-called "mud" that I hear so much about, and can then be "found" as ancient mud-covered artifacts from the late 20th century (or mid, depending on the date of the currently jury-rigged machine), and you can send them to Andrew for analysis!!

Best wishes for a wonderful 2008.