Friday, February 8, 2008

Audience Participation Needed

Hello all. So it's Friday. And the weekend approaches. And I have set aside tomorrow for junk store surfing in hopes of finding a lot of neat looking objects that I may bodge together and create a lamp. But this isn't about junk store finds (though tomorrow's post may be...) but rather on one of my favorite topics - fire. Last night at a local restaurant I saw that these find restaurateurs offered an alcoholic beverage that comes lit on fire. I, probably using my good judgment as opposed to my normal horrible judgment, opted for rum drinks with lychees and a most disturbing nuclear green martini called the kermitini (see? see why I ordered it? why do I do so many, many things based on their novelty factor?). But I'm stuck on the idea of flaming drinks. I plan to pursue this further with a little help from my old pal google, but in the mean time, does anyone have a good recipe for a drink that can be lit on fire? I suppose the main point would be to include something of a high enough proof to cut through any additional liquid, but I, selfishly enough, would also like it to be reasonably palatable. So I throw open the doors of suggestion to you, my poor readers. Thoughts?

N.B. I would like to survive this endeavor with my liver intact, so please be kind.


ajd said...

Once you do get a drink you really need to set up a poll and have people vote for which one(s) you should drink. Then you should rig the poll to get whatever outcome(s) you want. It's fun!

l.e.h. said...

I'll keep that in mind.

One possibility that has come to my attention: the flaming Dr. Pepper:

epb said...

Strangely, even though I can claim (confess)over 15 years experience as a bartender in my past, I can be of little help here.
Certainly the kitchen where I worked used a lot of flaming booze in the cooking (if not the serving) of many dishes, but the trouble is, when you set a drink on fire, what is burning away is the alcohol. It's a question of how much kick do you want to sacrifice to get the pyrotechnics you crave.
I can almost recall at one point one of the other bartenders was dabbling in something in a snifter that had a thin layer of Sambuca on top. You lit that, watched a pretty blue flame for a couple seconds but then had to blow it out -- before the snifter cracked or exploded?? --I'm not sure.
And of course there was the quasi-legendary drink called the Flaming A--ole, occasionally ordered by semi-conscious college students, but as far as I can recall, nobody knew how to make it, of if they did, we deemed it to perilous to even try.
I guess Google is your best bet, but proceed with caution. Safety goggles aren't among the usual bar paraphernalia, but i would recommend them in this case. Good lucK!

l.e.h. said...

With the help of a couple of friends at the Half Lounge in Burlington the other night, I had a stroke of genius (or maybe just a stroke - tough to tell). The perfect drink shall be called Fire and Ice and shall begin in a large, large glass with a scoop of sorbet placed strategically in the center. Vodka with a touch of flavored liquor (that plays delightfully off the flavor of the sorbet) is poured over the sorbet to fill the glass half way. Then, a very thin layer of 151 proof rum is poured over the vodka and flambéed. It is then blown out and consumed with relish (as in the adverb, not the condiment).

Note: this has not yet been attempted in the real world. I'll update as necessary.