Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Case of the Suitcase

I like to paint things, especially old and somewhat ugly things. So when I decided to browse Recycle North on Saturday afternoon, my eyes were wide with the forest of old and ugly items before me. But one item in particular caught my eye: a blue samsonite suitcase. You know that period before something is antique when it's just old junk? This suitcase was a perfect example:

Faux marble and I just don't get along, so I spray painted it apple green:

Note of caution: do not spray paint inside when you have a chest cold. In fact, just don't spray paint inside. Nothing good can come of it. And my lack of a garage and complete impatience will keep me from ever heeding my own advice.

Now I knew from the moment I laid eyes on this beauty that it was begging for decoration, and so a tree grew in Monkton:

And flowers:

And since I couldn't very well leave the other side blank, this creation was born:

Five coats of extremely stinky poly spray later, this little baby is ready to fly. As soon as I redo the interior. And add something shiny.

1 comment:

ajd said...

Where did your comment spammer go?

And fancy suitcase, by the by. Are you bringing it to Chicago? Chelsea and Fred will love it.