Monday, March 31, 2008

Thought for the Day

It's one day prior to April, which some would call a month rooted firmly in the territory of Spring. However, here in northern Vermont it's snowing. Again. And I've been down in the dumps. I've heard from a lot of people lately that things are generally going badly out there, and I'm really sorry. There's unfortunately pretty much nothing I can do to help anyone I've talked to who is in need. But I can share this day-brightening incident that happened a few minutes ago.

As I mentioned, it's snowing. Thus, my car is covered in snow. But when I walked to the parking lot just now, someone had written in that snow. In this neighborhood, which is generally thought of as "the ghetto" of Burlington, one would expect swears, threats, or other epithets on one's car. However, I had:

"Life Can Be Great"

scrawled on my hood. It made me smile, and so I pass it along. Life can be great, friends. Take some anonymous and thoughtful person's word on it.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps your hood wrote it for you. And it is right.

Anonymous said...

If it makes things better, I just ate gluten-free rocky road 1/2 the fat but all the flava ice cream. I took 1/2 the fat to mean that I could eat 1/2 the container. It's just really darn good!