Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Quick Update of Little Importance

Yet again I've been taken to task by multiple people for not updating my blog. Guilty as charged. I have no excuse other than the fact that I write for a living, so I'm not always up to creating a masterful post at the end of the day. I do have a lot I want to share: I renovated a bicycle this summer than I've been riding all over town; I bought a neat old dresser from a woman in Montpelier than I refinished and absolutely adore; I have an almost completely new living room thanks to my cats peeing all over my couch and rug; I scored a desk off the side of the road that I also refinished... I'm sensing a trend here. Apparently I've been doing a lot of refinishing. I will (I promise!) post all of these when I get around to cropping the pictures.

But in the mean time, I thought I'd share something purely off topic: I'm no longer afraid of spiders. Arachnophobia has plagued me in a major way for as long as I can remember. It's been paralyzing. There have been days (very plural) I refused to go into my car, or bedroom, or bathroom or any other essential space because a spider was spotted but went MIA. I lived in fear. Something's happened to me, though. There are just more important things to worry about than a bug I can kill with one swat of my hand. I think living on my own has something to do with it. There's no one to hear me scream when a spider the size of my palm crawls across my floor. Now I just have to step on it. It's a nice discovery. I feel freed from a major phobia. Now I'll just have to whittle down the rest of my list.


epb said...

Glad to hear about the bike. I almost recall someone saying she would never own a bike but I thankfully must have imagined it.

l.e.h. said...

Thank Josh for the change of mind. He kept making the sound of a bike bell over and over again until I decided to get one.

epb said...

How Pavlovian.

l.e.h. said...

Kind of, but with a lot less drool.