Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Tale of Two Chairs

Since renovating a condo has significantly sapped my disposable income, I have taken to renovating what I already own to suit my new surroundings. Today's tale? Chairs!

I purchased two of these very standard brown school chairs from a woman in Winooski who'd used them at her kitchen table for her kids when they were young. 30 years later she finally decided to get rid of them. So I bought them last year to use at my kitchen table, which I did. However, I now have a different kitchen table that fits in a tiny corner of my kitchen, and that table is black and white. So...

A primer coat - many times I have skipped this step and many times I have regretted it.

Then a couple coats of gloss black:

Then I covered the seats with Snow & Graham wrapping paper:

Yay kitchen chairs!

And in that vein, the chair that went with my old kitchen table (which happens to be my grandfather's gorgeous dining table) had seen better days. But since it too was my grandfather's and is around 100 years old, I really wanted to give it a new life.

The cane seat was ripped in a couple of places so I removed it:

As I mentioned before, primer is a must:

Then several coats of white gloss and a kitchen towel for the new seat:

And viola! I love it. Though I kind of wish I'd painted it blue, Josh has assured me that it works. So with little money spent other than the cost of a couple of cans of paint, I've reclaimed seating for three!


Anonymous said...

Great now I have a seat for Thanksgiving.

Love MOM

They are beautiful.

Joshua said...

They are beautiful! And comfortable to sit on!

l.e.h. said...

Thanks! You both get free tickets to Thanksgiving dinner in exchange for your endorsement.

ajd said...

You know, your mother's signing "MOM" sort of ruins the whole anonymous portion of her post.