Sunday, January 20, 2008

Neglect! It's what's for dinner.

It has been recently brought to my attention that I have been ignoring this blog. After the shock wore off that anyone actually reads this thing, I realized that tis true, I am a neglectful writer. Though I have, as always, been obsessively photographing the world, I can't really come up with anything worth posting on a Sunday morning. So instead, I give you the highlights of some of the more random moments in life I have experienced in the last couple of weeks:

1) Seven year olds acting like seventeen year olds.

This is an actual conversation I overheard at work from a seven year old on the cell phone with god knows whom at 3:30pm on a Tuesday:

7 year old: No beaatch, that's totally not what I said to her.

Uh, whatever. Call me when you get it right.

No idiot, it's not yahoo, it's gmail. No, gmail. G.M.A.I.L. God you're so stupid. Just text me.

Me: Yikes. Why do I write grants for these wee ones?

2) Mattresses by mail.

I've been sleeping on my couch for the last two weeks without heat since my landlord is a deadbeat and my bed moved out (long story). So, I did what any frugal, bedless girl does - I ordered one online. I admit being awfully curious about how they would deliver this queen sized 10 inch deep foam mattress to my backwoods, snow covered apartment. In fact, that was part of the allure. And lo and behold I received a 6 foot bright blue tootsie roll of a mattress. They vacuum sucked my mattress and all its foamy glory into a 50 lb barely portable tube. God it was neat. After releasing it from its bondage, it slowly and wondrously expanded into an impossible 60"x80". It was like one of those dinosaur sponges we all bought as kids that expands to 10 times its size with water. I'm in love.

3) The travel bug.

I have discovered lately that Burlington, Vermont is an exceedingly small town. Six degrees of separation? Right. One, maybe two at the most. And thus my almost pathological desire to travel. I'm open to suggestions on this one. Ideas?

4) Liquid magnets.

Josh emailed me the most intoxicating thing the other day. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you ferrofluids. I fully intend to do this very soon:

All I have to do is figure out how to keep ammonia at a low simmer for an hour without killing myself from fumes.

Ok, that's it. I promise something better and more colorful soon. I will be burning a large pile of papers in my snow covered backyard today, so if the pictures are at all entertaining, I promise to share.


Joshua said...

There's fume hoods at work, (an unused one at the back of my aisle, even!) and I can maybe even possibly snag a bunsen burner (this is a bigger maybe)

Tomorrow the computer systems are shutting down for the last three hours; which means I might be able to get the aisle to myself ...

What are the chances we can round up a miscellany of chemicals by tomorrow, and sneak you and a camera (to document the process of course!) into the factory at four in the morning?

l.e.h. said...

Sleep is for the weak. If 4am is what it takes to make ferrofluids happen, I'm in!

Otherwise, your porch perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Well, am I pleasantly surprised. I almost had to take a road trip today, in order to fulfill my call-on-the-road-to-nowhere promise...

Glad to hear that the bed arrived, and here's hoping that you thought before you opened it! (as opposed to my dear husband, who realized too late that the space was enough for the extremely well packaged 10-inch bed, but not for the unrolled version, the only saving grace being that it was cold, and the mattress did not unroll as quickly as it could have!)

I'm hoping the heat comes on soon, although having braved Vermont winters and summers for some time now, I have every confidence that you could somehow get through it with just duct tape (well, perhaps Gorilla tape) and a few wool blankets. OK, just the duct tape.

For travel, anywhere is superb! Even Iowa! Even Milwaukee! Although anywhere warm sounds really inviting right now. You are just a car-ride away from fabulous places like Florida. Road trip?! Anyhow, we are going next month to London for a quick trip to see the terra cotta soldiers at the British Museum. How exciting!

I was also fully expecting Mr. Barry to post a comment. How sad that I have begun to follow not only your blog, but also your commenters...

l.e.h. said...

You're my favorite sister ever. And you've inspired me to try to heat this place with duct tape. I'll let you know how it goes.

ajd said...

I suppose we're all just lucky that I didn't hide the rolled-up bed in the stove when the cleaning lady came over.

l.e.h. said...

Well, the larger concern with that would be if you thought the broiled mattress fumes were what the broiled chicken was supposed to smell like. Not that I don't trust your cooking skills AJD, but I have heard stories from your blog that make me happy I'm a vegetarian.

ajd said...