Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Strike A Pose Because I'm Too Sexy

That title encompasses all the fashion show related pop culture references I can fit into one line. Fashion show related, you say? And why on earth would fashion have anything to do with this blog? Ah, you see, this is also my shameful self promotion blog and this Saturday is the fashion show that the Boys & Girls Club's Director of Development and I have been working on since September. So if you're in the Burlington area and you're not going to Josh's show at the Monkey House in Winooski at 9, come to the ONE Fashion Event at Higher Ground. Click on the invite to see it in a large enough format to read the details.


Joshua said...

I think everyone should go to this, because supporting the B and G is much better than supporting some loud hooligans. I don't think that band needs any encouragement. (Plus, I hear those boys are real jerks.)

epb said...

Both events sound very enticing, but unfortunately it's 'Mollusk Week' on the Discovery Channel and I'll be home, glued to the set.

[Actually I have to work]

Anonymous said...

Andrew and I were just discussing mollusks. I wonder if they also have a sea urchin week?

l.e.h. said...

You know, they really should. Shark week is pretty darn fun, but pretty much anything that exists in the ocean is incredibly cool and note worthy in my book. I say if there's no sea urchin week, it's up to us to start one darn it!

epb said...

I think when you start talking sea urchins, you're getting into pay-per-view territory. I mean some things are just too special for basic cable.